


  Welcome! Mars in aspect with Pluto or the midpoint Mars/Pluto is reflecting: THE DRIVE TO WIN and all that it takes to win (intense competition, strong drive, influence, force, energy, muscles and strategy). Mars in aspect with Pluto signals danger and making enemies, too. Here are examples of people with an aspect between Mars and Pluto in their chart, to support the theory. And an explanation of what they have in common, even though they are so very different.

People born with Mars-Pluto aspects:

– Hillary Clinton is one of those persons who has Mars afflicted with Pluto and Moon. These are indications for ambition. She also has the ascendant on the midpoint Mars/Pluto, indicating taking risks.

– Karl Rove has a midpunt combination of the MC with Sun/Mars, Mars/Saturn and Pluto/Node (the results sanctify the means).

– Joseph Smith (born 17th of march 1966 in Brooklyn) was a divorced auto mechanic on probation when he kidnapped an eleven year old (Carlie) and raped and killed her. His chart shows Uranus conjunct Pluto in narrow aspect. His Sun is aspecting the midpoints Mars/Uranus and Mars/Pluto.

– Carlie (Joseph Smith’s victim) was born 16th of march 1992. Her chart shows Uranus conjunct Neptune and Mars square Pluto in narrow aspect. Both Mars and Pluto are aspecting the midpoint Sun/Uranus, making a variation of the midpoint combination her murderer has. On the 6th of February 2004, when she was murdered, Transit Saturn semi squared both Mars and Pluto in her natal chart…

– Natalee Holloway (born 21st October 1986 in Birmingham USA, reported missing in June 2005) has a tight square of Mars and Pluto in her chart.

– Hannie Schaft (born 16th of September 1920) was executed on the end of the Second World War. She worked for the resistance. There is an inconjunct between Mars and Pluto in her chart.

– Tina Turner (who had a violent marriage with Ike) has Mars inconjunct Pluto in the natal chart.

– George Best (football legend, born 22nd may 1946, died November 2005) had Mars conjunct Pluto in his chart.

– Osama bin Laden, supposed to be born 10th of march 1957, has Mars square Pluto in his chart.

– The German PM, Angela Merkel, has Mars trine Pluto (she was born 17th of June 1954)

– Sportsman have Mars-Pluto aspects often, like Willem van Hanegem and Ruud Gullit (both sextile), Rinus Michels (opposition) and famous international Johan Cruijff (very narrow Mars trine Pluto): the drive to win.

– The Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik  has Mars trine Pluto (and square Uranus). See http://astropost.blogspot.com/2011/07/anders-behring-breivik-and-his-day-of.html

– Canadian porn actor Luka Magnotta cut his lover in many pieces and send those to schools, political parties and more institutions during progressed Sun in new sign (new kind of life) inconjunct (with a loss involved) Uranus (and news, news, news). His natal Mars is exactly conjunct Pluto (born 24 July 1982).

– Writer and scholar Redmond O’Hanlon is known for travelling to remote jungles. He was born with a tight square between Mars and Pluto and that probably intensified his energy and drive.


Reinhold Ebertin wrote this about Mars/Pluto:

‘superhuman force (violence and brutality’). Afflicted: to treat others without compassion to gain the goals, cruel, brutal. Sociology: topsporters, nuclear investigators, WAR VICTIMS!  All this is done with the drive to win.

The note in the book ‘COSI’ (Combination of Stellar Influences) says that at the time of launching a rocket a Mars/Pluto connection – usually with the Sun – has been seen.

I think Mars-Pluto is resonating the issue or theme of ‘men with power or brutal men’ and use/abuse of power. And not to forget: an intense the drive to win. Even victims with a tight aspect between Mars and Pluto fight for their life, they don’t just give in. Self defence, making enemies and fighting stronger persons is also part of the combination of Mars-Pluto.


I kept a special place in this article for Mars inconjunct Pluto. It is an aspect about an extreme or excessive way to deal with the power of anger, the drive to win or sexual intensity. And there is a prize to pay for it.

Examples are: Hugh Hefner (Playboy), Luis Suarez (the biting football player of the WC2014), Catherine the Great (probably had her husband killed and had many many lovers), Tina Turner (history of abuse by first husband) and Hannie Schaft (executed active member of the resistance in World War II).


Mars and Pluto in aspect in your chart simply shows a extraordinary drive, strength and the spirit of combat that is helpful in the charts of those who want to win, gain, defend and force. An aspects on its own does not indicate good or bad. It indicates a tool to use. And having Mars in aspect with Pluto makes it a strong tool!